Vaccine Eligibility Expands to Individuals 16+

Vaccine and Syringe; Vaccine Eligibility
Photo courtesy of Pixabay.

On Monday, vaccine eligibility expanded further. Now, any individual 16 and over is eligible to get a COVID-19 vaccine. This expansion of vaccine eligibility is now country-wide. reports that over 50% of adults have already received at least the first dose of the vaccine. And as we continue to vaccinate, the demand for vaccination is outmatching the supplies and personnel. However, even with the unmatched demand, the article states that vaccine hesitancy is anticipated to become the next large hurdle we face.

The article also notes that the government’s decision on the continuation of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine is anticipated to be made by Friday, April 23.

To find and make a vaccine appointment, the CDC is pointing people towards the website

Senior Security Alliance is working to keep you informed about important vaccine information, social security updates, and more. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook to stay up-to-date.

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