Nensi Fiorenini is the Executive Director of Senior Security Alliance.
Since 2009, Nensi has led Senior Security Alliance in fight to strengthen Social Security and improve the financial security of retired Americans.
Born in Croatia, she moved to America with her mother and father at the age of three.
“We ended up in a small town in the South. My parents were blue collar workers – we led a modest life,” Nensi recalls.
She took her American citizenship oath at age 14. After high school, she knew she wanted to attend college but was uncertain of the career she wished to pursue.
That all changed one summer. At a national political convention in New Orleans, Nensi and a friend were selected as drivers for a national dignitary. They were given floor passes to the convention where they had the opportunity to listen to and meet many influential people.
This was a formative experience for Nensi.
“While I was unsure of my political affiliation, I knew I wanted to make a difference and fight for legislative change. From the summer of that convention, politics has been a core part of my life.”
Since then, Nensi has run statewide volunteer political organizations, co-managed Congressional campaigns, worked on countless national, state and local campaigns, and fought to solve issues important to her. Through it all, she’s valued the opportunity to be heard and part of the political process.
Change on the Horizon
Eventually, life events sparked a change in her world view.
“Once I started having children, my focus shifted from electing leaders I believed in to focusing on issues that affect others. I realized that I had the skills, focus, and time to cause change.”
She became an outspoken advocate for those who can’t speak up for themselves.
During this period of time, Nensi’s mother began experiencing health scares. Nensi soon invited her mother to come live with her.
“Suddenly I was part of the sandwich generation. I started seeing the world through a very different lens. I began to demand fairness. I wanted to see fairness in education and opportunities for my children – and fairness in support for my mom.“
She saw that there was no lack of people fighting for their own children, or the children of the community. Dozens of programs exist to feed and clothe children. Her own neighbors even campaigned for new and improved playgrounds for children.
However, she notice that it seemed like no one was fighting for senior citizens like her mother.
“There were no community programs to enhance the quality of life of seniors. To top it off, we regularly hear calls to cut Social Security and other senior safety-net programs to meet any and all budget shortfalls – on both the national stage and in local communities.”
She soon realized that because seniors did not have anyone effectively fighting on their behalf, they were the first to see their benefits negotiated away.
“Over time, I had a new passion – protecting our senior citizens and doing everything I can to improve their lives.”
Taking a Stand for Seniors
Nensi joined Senior Security Alliance as Executive Director from its very beginning. She’s led nationwide campaigns, petition drives, and legislative initiatives that have made waves in Washington.

In addition to the social protections seniors need, Nensi hopes to see a change in the attitudes towards them.
“I think of my mom and all that she sacrificed for us to have a better life. I am honored to return the favor for her and all of America’s seniors. What does it say about us if we cannot support those who need the most help? Protecting Social Security and Medicare is the very least we can do. We owe our senior citizens so much more.”
With many seniors losing their homes, unable afford medication, and more are falling into poverty – the Senior Citizens Bill of Rights is the solution to improve the financial security of retired Americans.
Nensi is working diligently to pass the Senior Citizens Bill of Rights which will finally guarantee seniors the respect and protection they deserve.
Please join Nensi, and everyone here at Senior Security Alliance, as we undertake this crucial endeavor on behalf of America’s senior citizens.
CLICK HERE to see some of the ways you can take action!