Social Security is often referred to as a welfare program. However, it is anything but.
Welfare vs. Social Security: How They Differ
Welfare programs, according to The Balance, are “government subsidies for low-income families and individuals.” These families and individuals have incomes that fall below a percentage of the federal poverty level (for 2021, the federal poverty level is $26,500). Additionally, welfare programs have a maximum income requirement, ensuring those above the set income requirement do not receive the program’s assistance.
Alternatively, Robinhood defines welfare programs to be government programs that help those who would otherwise have difficulties meeting “a minimal standard of living.”
In contrast, Social Security acts more like a contract. The program requires working citizens to meet certain qualifications in order to receive monthly benefit payments upon retirement. However, there is no maximum income requirement for the program.

Qualifications Required For Social Security
So what kind of qualifications are needed to receive monthly benefit payments? The two main qualifications include:
- Individuals must gather a total of 40 work credits. The catch? A single work credit is only given after an individual earns $1,470 (in 2021). Additionally, an individual cannot earn more than four credits each year.
- Individuals must be of retirement age, 62 years old. However, even if an individual reaches the retirement age, they are not applicable to receive their full benefit amount. The full benefit amount cannot be received until the individual is of “full retirement age.” Unfortunately, the full retirement age is continuing to rise—a “solution” politicians have enacted to counter the dwindling finances in the Social Security Trust Funds. Currently, for those born in the 1960s and later, the full retirement age is 67 years old.
Due to the complexity and contractual nature of the Social Security program, it is safe to say that Social Security is not a welfare program. In fact, any federal officials and other persons of influence calling it such are placing certain connotations on the program and those receiving it.
Work With Us For Change
Social Security recipients have worked hard, dedicating a minimum of 40 years to the workforce; that is why Social Security Alliance is working to get them the respect they’ve earned.
Our bill, The Senior Citizens Bill of Rights, outlines a guarantee for seniors—that proper recognition and respect is received. This recognition and respect will be provided by refuting all indications that Social Security is Welfare and demanding that those in political power do the same.