For the first time in my career, I am not obsessing over the upcoming Presidential Election. Normally, I share thoughts on the positions of the candidates, explain how the electoral college works and make regular predictions. This year, I almost forget there is a Presidential Election just 53 days away.
Covid-19 has occupied all of my bandwidth these last many months. I am either keeping up with the infection rates, tracking the change of symptoms, or reading about treatment and vaccine plans. Also, after being at home for so many months, the real world is beginning to feel surreal to me.
In reading the news, I realize that I am not alone in ignoring the election. Coronavirus continues to occupy the vast majority of headlines and conversations. Vice President Joe Biden has barely been seen in public venues for the past few months due to social distancing.
It is time to begin focusing on Election Day. We are fortunate to have a large body of statements made by both top candidates on the issues for reference. In addition, here is a comparison of where President Trump and Vice President Biden stand on a variety of issues. It was surprisingly difficult to find a source without extensive bias or editorial commentary.
Mrs. Davis, I am so sorry to hear of your hardship during this time. I thought all letters went out with envelopes, my apologies that you did not receive one. I will look into that today. In the meantime, please take care of yourself and your husband. There will be plenty of opportunities to support our issues online until you get back on your feet. I am so grateful for supporters like you! Kindest regards to you and your family.