Our grassroots effort to pass The Senior Citizens Bill of Rights and give Social Security beneficiaries legal assurance their benefits will be there for them is depending on YOU.
The Senior Security Alliance doesn’t want to make a statement–we want to create an entire movement. And that movement begins with you.
Voting is the foundation of our republic. You can check to see if you’re registered to vote in your state using this handy tool from the National Association of Secretaries of State:
You can also help the cause by reaching out to your legislators:
Feel free to use this script when calling or writing your legislators:
“As one of your constituents in (your state, city, or town), I’m asking you, (your Senator, Representative, or legislator), to support the passage of The Senior Citizens Bill of Rights.
American seniors depend on the Social Security benefits they’ve earned through a lifetime of hard work to make ends meet during retirement. This legislation legally guarantees every beneficiary will receive the full amount of their retirement benefits and gives retirees the peace of mind they deserve after years of faithful contributions.
Please be the champion seniors in (your state, city, or town) need and deserve by joining our fight to pass The Senior Citizens Bill of Rights. Thank you.”
You can also show your support for this critical legislation by adding your name to our “Petition in Support of The Senior Citizens Bill of Rights.”