Loneliness Causes “Serious Public Health Risks” For Seniors
After a year of isolation, some people decided it is past time to combat the isolation and loneliness senior citizens face.
After a year of isolation, some people decided it is past time to combat the isolation and loneliness senior citizens face.
The United States Postal Service has finalized a plan that will impact many senior citizens relying on mail deliveries. It is set to go into effect October 1.
Social Security benefit payments make up a large portion of income for 50% of married beneficiaries. But what happens when a spouse passes? Will the surviving spouse receive enough financial compensation to allow for continued financial security?
As prices continue to climb, senior citizens are left struggling under a fixed income. Thankfully, there appears to be a light at the end of the tunnel.
Many retirees find themselves needing to earn more to supplement their benefits. However, with rapid inflation and static income threshold, how are retirees expected to live financially secure?