EXPERTS: New Technology Being Researched For Needle-Free Vaccine Delivery

research into needle-free vaccinations
Photo courtesy of GoDaddy.

According to KRQE, as many as 25% of adults, and many children, have a fear of needles. For some, this fear is so severe the individual avoids getting vaccines. However, the article explains that there is new technology being developed to allow for pain and needle-free vaccinations.

The microneedle technology is being developed by researchers at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill. Additionally, the new, needle-free technology is thought to be more effective than a traditional shot while also requiring a smaller amount of a vaccine.

Although restrictions have been lifted, the delta variant is raging on, continuing to cause mayhem. And with so much misinformation circulating about COVID-19 safety and the vaccine, it is important we all take the proper precautions.

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