Retired folks earned financial protection during retirement.
For decades, they worked hard and sacrificed. They contributed to the Social Security system their entire lives. And they were promised their money would be there for them when they retired.
Seniors honored their end of the deal – but greedy politicians are trying to get out of their end of the bargain.
Unfortunately, seniors can no longer take the promises made to them at face value. Seniors need a guarantee – and that guarantee is The Senior Citizens Bill of Rights.
These seven rights ensure senior citizens can experience retirement with dignity and without fear of benefit cuts.
Here’s exactly what
The Senior Citizens Bill of Rights guarantees:
1. Social Security is an earned benefit and can never be cut.
2. Social Security benefits will no longer be taxed as income.
3. Increases in healthcare costs must be used in calculating annual Social Security COLA increases.
4. Money deposited into the Trust Fund can only be used to pay benefits to Senior Citizens.
5. Senior Citizens who are receiving Social Security benefits will no longer be penalized and taxed at a higher rate for choosing to work after retiring from their career.
6. A married couple will no longer have their benefits reduced when one member of the household passes away.
The surviving spouse will continue to receive the same amount of benefits as previously earned, by said household.
7. The Federal government, elected officials and Federal employees are forbidden from referring to Social Security as a “welfare” program.
Senior Citizens have contributed to the system through a lifetime of hard work. Their benefits have been earned.

The Senior Citizens Bill of Rights is a truly historic document.
Retired folks must finally receive the respect and protection they deserve – and earned.
For decades, Congress put the retirement of seniors at risk as greedy politicians “borrowed” trillions of dollars from the Social Security Trust Fund.
Enough is enough. It’s time for Congress to pass The Senior Citizens Bill of Rights.
Please find out how you can take action by clicking here.
We need the help of every American citizen. Please join us.
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