Taking Care of Mental Health

As we remain socially distanced, it is important to remember that mental health is just as important as physical health. This is especially important for senior citizens as it can help lower medical risks and costs.

AARP says that the key to brain health and lowering the risk of dementia is to keep busy with regular activities and spending time with others.

Although we are in quarantine, there are many things that can be done to keep the brain active. Here are a few examples…

Get some exercise! Staying active is great for mental and physical health.

Try meditation and/or yoga. These are stressful times, but it’s important not to let stress take control; practicing some mindfulness techniques can help deter anxiety.

Stay connected. Arrange for virtual meetups a few times a week or try getting a pen pal to communicate with. Even just 10 minutes of social interaction can help boost the brain’s performance.

Photo courtesy of GoDaddy

All in all, keeping active, both physically and mentally, is important. By staying healthy, seniors can keep their Social Security benefits for other expenses.

Looking for more ways to save finances? Check out The Senior Security Alliance. We are working to help senior citizens achieve financial security. Help us reach our goal by taking action.

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