URGENT: Surviving Spouses More Prone to Financial Insecurity
There is a lot that surviving spouses must do after their partner passes. Unfortunately, this to-do list includes budgeting for a new, smaller monthly income.
There is a lot that surviving spouses must do after their partner passes. Unfortunately, this to-do list includes budgeting for a new, smaller monthly income.
There is nothing more devastating than when a spouse passes. This devastation is met with insecurity as household benefits decrease. Help us change this.
SSA has a lot of rules for retirement benefits. But did you know that a surviving spouse loses a part of their household income after their spouse dies?
Survivor benefits can be improved to help all senior citizens achieve more financial security. That is why we included right 6 in our bill.
There is enough for the surviving spouse to worry about without accounting for the confusing jargon of survivor benefits. Here is what you should know.