Different Ways to Stay Active at Home

Looking for ways to stay active while remaining at home? Visiting Angels posted an excellent guide to help you get started!

Photo courtesy of Pixabay.


Although we’re social distancing, many places are a bit more lenient about allowing individuals to walk outdoors for exercise.

Going for a walk around the neighborhood can be enough to keep active. Seniors can start with a short walk. Then, they may consider gradually adding more time to their walks.

Just remember to stay away from large crowds of people while on your walk.

Bike Ride

Alternatively, if the weather is warm enough, going for a bike ride can be a great way to get some activity without coming into contact with too many people.


There are many benefits to gardening. While gardening is often thought of as an enjoyable hobby, it is much more than that.

Gardening has been known to encourage the use of all motor skills, help reduce stress levels and improve relaxation, and even improve strength and endurance.

If you’re interested in gardening and want some tips to get started, check out this post!


For those who may have difficulty moving around, staying active can be as easy as finding a new hobby.

Visiting Angels points to knitting, painting, and clay work as great examples of activities that are both engaging and require low mobility.

Online Classes

There are many online classes offering traditional exercises geared toward helping older adults stay active. Check out the local YMCA for their virtual classes, or try out some of these classes.

Make Sure to Stay Safe

Exercising at home can be a great way to remain active but, like many other things in life, precautions should be taken. Here are some guidelines to help keep the individual safe while exercising.

Listen to your body as you exercise. While it’s true, exercise is supposed to be a challenge for the body, seniors should not go overboard. Start slow. The body will adjust over time and be able to handle more activity.

Drink water! It is always important to stay hydrated not only during physical activity but beforehand and afterwards as well.

Older adults should keep someone informed of their intentions and routines. This is an important way for older adults to remain active while still being safe.

The Senior Security Alliance is working to improve the financial security of retirees. Find out how you can help here.

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