Social Security is a crucial source of retirement income for millions of Americans – it must never be cut.
Derek Silva at MSN.com writes that “the Social Security Administration (SSA) in a 2020 report said that it expects its reserve funds to run out in 2034.” This would cause benefits to be “reduced to 76% of their full value.”
Unfortunately, Silva warns that as a result “nearly every senior would still lose out on thousands of dollars of income that they need to survive in retirement.”
Make no mistake, seniors deserve financial protection. They deserve to have their benefits guaranteed and increased.
The legislation Senior Security Alliance supports, the Senior Citizens Bill of Rights, will strengthen retirement benefits and improve the financial security of millions of seniors.
Silva “conclude[s] that if nothing is done to save and bolster Social Security, then seniors around the country will find it difficult if not impossible to pay for their expenses in retirement.”
The Senior Citizens Bill of Rights increases benefits.
The Senior Citizens Bill of Rights ends taxes on benefits.
The Senior Citizens Bill of Rights ensures seniors can live in retirement with dignity.
Social Security must never be cut.
The Senior Citizens Bill of Rights will protect the Social Security benefits of retirees.