According to this article on Yahoo News, a program in Jackson County, Oregon is training senior citizens to become peer counselors for other senior citizens.
Age Wise Age Well has a dozen dedicated volunteer counselors who are finding that “senior citizens often feel more comfortable talking to fellow senior citizens who are going through the same shared experiences.”
This amazing program is free and has been continuing through the pandemic. The peer counselors have moved their typical in-person sessions to other means of communication. Whether over the phone or virtual, the service “fills a gap in the community,” the article articulates.
After a particularly hard year for seniors, this program is helping seniors take control of their mental health, without worrying over how to ration their fixed income.
Another way to help seniors nationwide is to help Senior Security Alliance call for change. We are urging the politicians in Washington to pass an essential bill – The Senior Citizens Bill of Rights. This bill helps guarantee senior citizens have more financial security, and, in doing so, allows seniors to breathe easier each month.