Although the pandemic continues, there are plenty of people fighting against the quarantine-blues. 6ABC reports that one group of people is the Zumba Gold Philly group. This group of senior citizens meets twice a week over Zoom to chat, connect, and then dance their way to good moods.
“They depend in it and I depend on it and so, for now, this is working and I’m happy about that,” instructor Dyann Paoline explained to 6ABC.
After 2020 proved to be a trying year, the group decided to give a holiday gift to those in need. The group collected $631 in donations for Philabundance and $561 for the Metropolitan Area Neighborhood Nutrition Alliance (MANNA). Both organizations fight against hunger in the Philadelphia area.
Senior Security Alliance is dedicated to helping senior citizens improve their lives and achieve a more financially secure future. Learn more about what we are doing to help by reading our bill – The Senior Citizens Bill of Rights.