Senior Citizens Bill of Rights

  • Post author:
  • Post published:June 1, 2019
  • Post category:Updates

Looking for just one thing to do? Just one issue to get behind this year? This is it. Let’s work together to protect Social Security for those that need it the most. Keep in mind that Social Security is the major source of income for the elderly. Nearly 9 out of 10 individuals aged 65 and older receive Social Benefits. In fact, among elderly Social Security beneficiaries, 21% of married couples and about 45% of unmarried persons rely on Social Security for 90% or more of their income.

Its past time that Congress pass the Senior Citizens Bill of Rights and ensure the protections Americans have worked so hard for.

The Senior Citizens Bill of Rights

  1. Social Security is an earned benefit and can never be cut.
  2. Social Security benefits will no longer be taxed as income.
  3. Increases in healthcare costs must be used in calculating annual Social Security COLA increases.
  4. Money deposited into the Trust Fund can only be used to pay benefits to Senior Citizens.
  5. Senior Citizens who are receiving Social Security benefits will no longer be penalized and taxed at a higher rate for choosing to work after retiring from their career.
  6. A married couple will no longer have their benefits reduced when one member of the household passes away.
  7. The Federal Government, elected officials and Federal Employees are forbidden from referring to Social Security as a “welfare” program.

Not only do we want to ensure there are no future cuts to social security, but we demand that there are regular COLA increases. Not keeping pace with healthcare costs is tantamount to cutting social security benefits.

It’s long past time. Will you support our seniors?