Many people have taken up indoor gardening during the colder season. However, there are many challenges that await gardeners as they continue indoors. One of these challenges is the pests that commonly take to indoor plants.
Pests like aphids, spider mites, and mealybugs are common. If caught early enough, the infestation can be taken care of and the plant can be saved. But if these infestations are allowed to continue the plants can be irreparably damaged.

Don’t know what to look for? No problem! The Senior Security Alliance USA just released an article about these three pests, how to identify them, and how to take care of them before it’s too late.
Gardening is a great task that can aid in both the mental and physical health of seniors. And helping senior citizens is what Senior Security Alliance is all about. Be sure to check out The Senior Citizens Bill of Rights to find out more!