The Senior Citizens Bill of Rights
The Senior Security Alliance vigorously supports the immediate passage of The Senior Citizens Bill of Rights to finally give retired folks the respect and protection they deserve – and have earned.
So much talk in Washington today centers around “fixing” Social Security by cutting benefits, increasing the retirement age and denying seniors fair annual benefit increases. All of these “fixes” hurt you and me.
It’s long overdue for America to take care of our senior citizens.
The Senior Citizens Bill of Rights is the solution to this most important problem.
Take a look at this groundbreaking document and the Rights it guarantees senior citizens:

No other piece of legislation will do more to strengthen Social Security and improve the financial security of millions of retired Americans.
The crowning achievement of the Social Security system has always been that workers themselves pay for their own benefits — the money you collect is YOUR money.
Your benefits have ALWAYS belonged to you. You EARNED them.
Though so much in the world may be uncertain – your monthly Social Security benefits shouldn’t be.
Every American paying into Social Security deserves that guarantee. The Senior Citizens Bill of Rights gives us that guarantee. No cuts, no reductions, no excuses – just the monthly benefits and fair COLA every American earned by contributing to Social Security.
If you support Congress passing The Senior Citizens Bill of Rights, please CLICK HERE to sign our petition.
We need the help of concerned citizens like you from across the country to ensure seniors can retire with dignity and without fear their benefits will be cut.
Please join us on this mission.