NEW PROPOSAL Seeking to Prevent Reduction of Benefits

new proposal to stop reduction to benefits
Photo courtesy of GoDaddy.

Did you know that millions of Americans receive reduced Social Security benefits? It’s true, individuals who worked in public roles are subject to benefit reductions during retirement. To help, there is a new proposal in Congress to eliminate these reductive rules going forward.

According to The Hill, there is one large downside to this new proposal. The Social Security Fairness Act could speed up the impending depleting of trust funds. Luckily, we have a solution to ensure benefits are never cut.

Senior Security Alliance knows how difficult retirement can be, especially if hard-earned benefits are reduced or cut. Protecting retirees’ financial security is vital — and we have the perfect solution. The Senior Citizens Bill of Rights provides essential guarantees. These guarantees allow senior citizens to achieve a more financially secure retirement.

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