According to this article, DoorDash has partnered with Hunger-Free Pennsylvania, Feeding Pennsylvania, and others to help deliver food to seniors in need. The partnership is designed to help increase awareness of the state’s Senior Food Box Program. Over 300,000 seniors are eligible for this program; however, only around 35,000 are enrolled.
Agriculture Secretary Russell Redding declared that it is “high time that Pennsylvania’s food assistance programs offer services tailored to the unique needs of their recipients… This partnership to deliver Senior Food Boxes is a commonsense solution that will make saying ‘yes’ to the box easy. Accepting assistance can be hard enough for some; wondering how to get the food home should never be an added worry.”
So far there are 10 counties being served by the partnership.
Senior Security Alliance is working to get retirees the respect and protection they deserve. Our mission is to pass The Senior Citizens Bill of Rights – CLICK HERE to learn more about this important bill! Benefits must never be cut so seniors can afford things like food and healthcare. They earned it.