April is Financial Literacy Month; during this month, the Social Security Administration is focusing on “educating people about the importance of planning for a secure financial future.”
The Social Security Administration has a few recommendations. More specifically, they recommend reviewing your online Social Security account on a regular basis and utilizing any of the tools offered to check and compare various benefit scenarios.
While we encourage planning for the future, it’s also important to acknowledge that seniors have a unique financial burden. With fixed incomes, many individuals rely on their Social Security benefits as a large portion of their monthly spending. Because of this, it is essential we provide them with as much financial security as possible.
That’s why we created The Senior Citizens Bill of Rights. This bill provides seven rights and guarantees to senior citizens nationwide. With these rights in place, seniors could rest easier knowing that the benefit payments many rely on will not be cut, survivor benefits will be enhanced, and taxation of Social Security benefits will cease.
Learn more about how you can help our bill get passed by visiting our website here. Then be sure to stay up-to-date with any and all updates by following us on Twitter and Facebook.