Have You Considered Dividing Your Retirement Investments?

There is no one way to prepare for retirement. However, many advise that retirement investments are divided amongst both stocks and bonds.

The Motley Fool advises using the rule of 110 to estimate how much an individual should invest in each.

This rule works by having the individual investing subtract their age from the number 110. The resulting sum should be the percentage of their investment portfolio put into stocks.

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By utilizing this technique, younger employees are able to have the possibility for higher rates of return. In addition, younger workers are able to allow their savings to recover from any losses the stock market may have.

In contrast, older individuals do not have the same luxury. If the stock market crashes right before their retirement, there would be no way to recover the savings lost.

According to The Motley Fool, around 23% of workers are investing too much into the stock market for their age. It is a good idea to regularly review existing retirement investments.

During this review, it is critical to also assess individual risk tolerance levels. This will allow individuals to shift investments as needed while remaining comfortable with their investments.

The Senior Security Alliance is urging the politicians in Washington to create a more financially secure future for senior citizens. With our Senior Citizens Bill of Rights, we are looking to secure Social Security benefits for everyone who has earned them. To find out what you can do to help, go here.

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