Help Call on Congress to Guarantee Benefit Payments to Seniors

A Senior in Front of a sign that reads 'What's Next'
Photo courtesy of Pixabay

There is a lot that goes on when it comes to Social Security benefit payments. Here are some things you need to know.

How Payments Work

There are two trust funds for Social Security. However, the one most relevant for retirees is the Old-Age and Survivors Insurance (OASI) trust fund. This trust fund is what provides beneficiaries with their monthly benefits.

The funds that are not immediately used are invested. Any interest earned through the investment is deposited into the trust fund. This process helps the funds continue to accumulate money.

How Our Bill Can Help

The Senior Citizens Bill of Rights was designed with senior citizens as the paramount focus. We want to help ensure that every senior citizen can feel more secure about their finances and receive the respect he deserves.

And that is why right number 4 of our bill would provide a guarantee to all seniors. With our bill, the money placed into the Trust Funds cannot be used for anything unrelated to Social Security costs.

Furthermore, the right explains that the money cannot be transferred from the trust fund to the general fund, nor can any part of the federal government “borrow” from the trust fund.

This provides beneficiaries with a guarantee—their benefits cannot be interfered with, no matter what the politicians in Washington try to do. And during a time when the future of Social Security remains uncertain, a guarantee such as this can provide both hope and ease to those relying on their monthly benefits.

And in a time of so much uncertainty, this bit of financial certainty can go a long way for many.

It’s Time to Help Seniors

In order to achieve the future we are seeking, we need your help. Currently, we are urging the politicians in Washington to pass our bill, but there is more strength in numbers.

Sign our petition and call on the politicians in Washington to pass this bill now.

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