This Independence Day, we looked back on America’s founding.
The Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, and the Federalist Papers, these are our country’s Founding Documents. The importance of these documents to democracy and our independence cannot be overstated. However, Congress must pass another historic document into law.
We need The Senior Citizens Bill of Rights.
This is our chance to strengthen Social Security and improve the financial security of millions of retired Americans.
Unfortunately, too many seniors cannot afford things like medicine or payments on their homes.
Too often the talk in Washington is about “fixing” Social Security. These “fixes” include cutting benefits, increasing the retirement age, and denying seniors adequate annual benefit increases.
It’s just not right.
Thankfully, The Senior Citizens Bill of Rights will stop elected officials’ disgraceful treatment of seniors.
The Rights
The Senior Citizens Bill of Rights enshrines 7 inalienable rights of retirees (and all American citizens, for that matter):
∙ The first right ensures Social Security benefits can never be cut. This takes away one of the most basic, yet devastating, tools of greedy politicians.
∙ The second right eliminates income tax levied against Social Security benefits. Seniors have already paid their fair share. Enough is enough. Moreover, seniors deserve every last penny of the benefits they earned.
∙ Third, when it comes time for Social Security COLAs to be calculated, healthcare costs must be factored into the equation. No more cutting corners. No more excuses. Healthcare is critical to the well-being of seniors. To ignore these healthcare costs when determining COLAs is absurd.
∙ The fourth right maintains that money deposited into the Social Security Trust Fund can only be used to pay benefits to retirees. Congress will no longer be allowed to “borrow” money from the Trust Fund and threaten the stability of the Social Security system.
∙ The fifth inalienable right ensures seniors who choose to work after retiring from their careers will not be penalized or taxed at a higher rate. No one deserves punishment for earning a little extra or enjoying getting out of the house.
∙ Married couples would no longer need to worry about a benefit reduction if their spouse passes away because the sixth right guarantees surviving spouses the same amount of benefits they’d previously received.
∙ Finally, the seventh right bars the federal government, all elected officials, and federal employees from referring to Social Security as a “welfare” program. Such references are an act of utter disrespect. Senior Citizens paid into the Social Security system their entire lives. They earned their benefits.

But what can we do?
We, the American People, must call on our elected representatives to take action. Ultimately, it’s our best – and only – option.
Senior Security Alliance has launched a nationwide campaign to pass The Senior Citizens Bill of Rights.
Please show your support for this historic bill by signing our petition – just click here.
And please follow us on Twitter and Facebook to stay up-to-date with our campaign.
To help get the word out about The Senior Citizens Bill of Rights, please share our social media accounts and posts from this site with your friends and family.