Will it be Enough? New Bill Looking to Eliminate Federal Taxes on Social Security Benefits

new bill
Photo courtesy of GoDaddy.

On August 16, a new bill was introduced in Congress, entitled the “You Earn It, You Keep It Act,” to help retirees hold on to more of their Social Security by removing any federal tax on benefit payments.

“Eliminating this tax will help Social Security benefits go further and ensure that American retirees have all the resources they need after a lifetime of hard work,” the bill’s sponsor U.S. Rep. Angie Craig told silive.com.

This legislation is a great step in the right direction to help retirees. However, the Senior Security Alliance is looking to take a greater leap.

Our bill, The Senior Citizens Bill of Rights, not only eliminates the taxation of Social Security benefits but gives retirees six other fundamental rights. These seven rights allow retirees to have more financial security throughout retirement.  

Stay informed about all we’re doing to ensure a more financially secure future for retirees by following us on Facebook and Twitter.

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