The future of Social Security has been a hot button topic for quite some time. And with the recent pandemic, it is even more of a concern.
Some Options In Consideration
There are a few options politicians have been viewing to help the Social Security program. According to The Motley Fool, these options include raising additional revenue, reducing expenditures, or a combination of the two.
However, regardless of what decision is made, something needs to be done. The Motley Fool reports that if the politicians in Washington dawdle for too long, retired workers and survivors nationwide endure a 24% benefit cut within the next 15 years.
This is unacceptable.

Benefits Should Never Be Cut
Many senior citizens rely on these payments to continue the comfort of their daily lives. More often than not, these payments are a good portion of senior citizens’ income during retirement. In fact, the article reports that “62% of retired workers rely on their benefit payments to account for at least half of their income” each month.
Additionally, with greater financial responsibilities seen throughout the public, many senior citizens have been forced to find additional sources of income—meaning their benefits are simply not enough to live comfortably. This causes unnecessary stress and financial insecurity for seniors nationwide.
So, regardless of what the politicians in Congress decide, a decision must be made. Senior citizens deserve to rest peacefully knowing they are financially secure.
You Can Help
Senior Security Alliance stands with the 77% of senior citizens who want another solution for Social Security’s dismal future; that is why we created our bill, The Senior Citizens Bill of Rights. This groundbreaking bill is focused on providing senior citizens the financial security they deserve.
To help create a more financially secure future for all senior citizens, sign our petition and contact the politicians in Congress now.