COVID-19 Vaccine Myths Exposed by Infectious Disease Specialist

Nurse Preparing COVID-19 Vaccine
Photo courtesy of Pixabay

Even with the COVID-19 vaccine becoming more readily available, there are individuals who remain hesitant about getting it.

According to Fox23, an infectious disease specialist is speaking out to help alleviate any skepticism felt toward the vaccine. This specialist, Dr. Jennifer Rudd, hopes to dispel some of the most prevalent myths about the vaccine. These myths include:

  1. The approval process for the COVID-19 vaccine was rushed.
  2. The vaccines will alter DNA and create long-term problems.
  3. The vaccines cause infertility.

Dr. Rudd explains why each of these myths are unfounded. According to Dr. Rudd, the trials proved the vaccines to be “incredibly safe and highly effective at preventing hospitalization and death” thus allowing them to receive approval for emergency use.

Additionally, the COVID-19 vaccine utilizes mRNA. mRNA is found in a different part of the cell than DNA, thereby not allowing the vaccine to cause any alterations. There have also been no delayed reactions noted in any of the vaccine trials.

Finally, the last myth has not been backed by any science. Rather, it started from an initial concern, that has since not proven true.

Overall, the article declares that the vaccines have proven effective and continue to do so; the COVID-19 vaccines were meant to keep individuals from the devastating effects of the virus.

Senior Security Alliance is dedicated to helping senior citizens. One way we are doing so is helping to spread awareness about vaccine myths. Additionally, we are working to give senior citizens more financial security. For more information about everything we are doing to help seniors and how you can help, visit our website here.

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