Over the past 7 weeks, we have gone deeper into each right of The Senior Citizens’ Bill of Rights. These 7 essential rights will help senior citizens nationwide achieve more financially secure futures.
Why These Rights Matter
Although senior citizens are touted as being “more financially secure than ever,” there is still a long way to go.
Many individuals are unable to afford the rising medical and long-term care costs. These skyrocketing costs are necessities for older individuals as older age comes with a greater likelihood to encounter medical issues.
The issue of unaffordable healthcare is addressed in right number 3 of the bill. Here, we demand that the calculations for the annual COLA use healthcare costs. This adjustment will allow seniors to afford the necessary healthcare.
Furthermore, senior citizens have already put years of hard work into the workforce. This hard work funded the Social Security program for the previous generation of seniors. Seniors deserve guaranteed benefits, an issue addressed in right number 1, as well as respect, an issue addressed in right number 7.
The bill also includes measures to prevent income taxes on the benefits many rely on, guarantees to help surviving spouses’ achieve more financial security, and assurances that the finances put into the Trust Fund are used only for paying beneficiaries.

Working For Senior Citizens’ Rights
As you can see, our bill covers a wide variety of topics; all 7 of the essential rights included demand financial security for all senior citizens. Although the bill is not a magic bullet, it is a huge step in the right direction, helping seniors get closer to a financially secure future.
We want to hear the opinions and suggestions of the American people. Check out what we are doing to make sure we help all seniors by viewing our surveys. These surveys gathered information from senior citizens nationwide to accrue the most accurate results and representation. Be sure to get in contact with us about any questions, concerns, or suggestions.
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